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"Babar at the circus" Beautiful poster from the 80's
"Babar in the forest" Beautiful poster from the 80's
"Le Coquelicot" Belle affiche scolaire des années 60
"The Plant" Gorgeous school poster from the 1960s
"Babar and his children" Beautiful poster from the 80's
"Plantes sans fleurs" Superbe affiche scolaire des années 60
"Babar and his family" Superb 80's poster by Laurent de Brunhoff
Horst Antes - Munich Olympic Games - 1972
"La feuille" Belle affiche scolaire des années 60
Very rare poster of the port of La Rochelle in 1935
David Hockney 'The Diver' Olympic Games Munich, 1972
"Yes to our region, yes to France" Vintage poster from 1969
Belle carte scolaire des années 60 : Bretagne
French school map from 1960: Geographic Africa
Belle affiche de Jean Carlu pour une exposition internationale à Paris, 1937
"The Tulip" Beautiful school poster from the 1960s
Magnifique affiche de 1964 pour les Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo
Original vintage poster Roland Garros 1999
Original poster by Beaudouin & Lods for the 1937 Universal Exhibition in Paris
Alexander Calder - Sala Gaspar - 1973